Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Building Our Robotic Arms...

Hi friends!
Here are our videos for the robotic arms.

Group 1 Cartoon:

Group 2 Cartoon:

Group 3 Cartoon:

Group 4 Cartoon:

Group 5 Cartoon:

Group 6 Cartoon:

Here are some pictures of us working!


Friday, November 15, 2013

Hello Cartoons From Woodlands Intermediate School to Katherine Delmar Burke School

Just wanted to say HELLO!
We are so excited to share our science with you.

Hello from Group 1:

Hello from Group 2:

Hello from Group 3:

Hello from Group 4:

Hello from Group 5:

Hello from Group 6:

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Our Stone Lab Adventures Book!

Our first class book is available in the iBooks store!


Written, illustrated, and built by our fifth graders...this is an exciting event!